Shivaji's fort
Shivaji's fort!
We got to the top and were amazed to see how fertile it was despite the drought. A very peaceful yet powerful place with a superb view.
Panchgani is known as the “Mecca of Maharashtra” and is at an altitude of 1334 meters. It is so named so because of the five hills that surround it. The old buildings of this region have the charm of British Raj. The landscape in Panchgani is idyllic — hills, valleys and the Krishna flowing through little farms and hamlets. Almost the entire area is covered with lush green trees and one can find many a little path for an evening walk. At the Tableland, one can see the "Pandav's Feet", a rock formation with imprints of the feet of the Pandavas, who are believed to have crossed this land.
April 1927 On April 10th 1927 Baba instructed His disciples to dig a cave fifteen feet deep. The cave was dug on a spot selected by Baba overlooking the Tiger Valley at Panchgani, at nearly 6,000 feet. (Lord Meher page 1301) Baba asked Kalemama, an engineer to dig the cave. Baba talked about his upcoming seclusion and the tension between Hindus and Moslems (p1302) Kalemama was sent to ask permission of the Maharaja regarding the cave who readily agreed.
In Panchgani, Baba would be up by 5 A.M. to visit the boys for prayers. At 8 A.M. he would play a game of cricket with them, and at nine he would have his tea. He would then walk to the excavation site where the cave was being dug. (p 1306) Baba talked about his past incarnation as Shivaji and the military camp that was there then. As the digging was going slowly Baba decided to go to Bombay until the cave was finished. Baba returned to Panchgani on April 29th and on May 1st, he went to Mahabaleshwar with some of the mandali to see a Hindu temple called the Cow's Mouth, which was according to legend the source of five rivers. (p 1307)
From May 8th, all the men mandali helped in digging the cave at Tiger Valley. They would mix the cement and carry water from below to the excavation site. One evening, as the last concrete was being applied, clouds suddenly gathered in the sky and threatened a heavy down pour, which would have ruined all the cement work executed that day. Baba stepped out of his hut to view the sky. Soon after, an argument broke out between Masaji and Kaka Shahane. It was as if their quarreling drove away the clouds, because it did not rain until eleven that night, which allowed the work to be completed and the concrete to set.
On May 13th, Baba proceeded by car to Poona with the mandali and boys. (Page 1308) After seeing his parents, brothers Jal, Beheram and Adi Jr., and sister Mani, Baba returned to Panchgani in Kaka Baria's new Buick (Page 1309)
On the night of May 15th, at ten o'clock Baba entered the cave in Tiger Valley for his seclusion and, likewise, the mandali at Meherabad entered their separate rooms according to his previous instructions. Baba was not totally aloof for He would come out the cave to visit the mandali.
On the morning of May 20th, Baba arose early at four o'clock. After awakening the mandali, he stated, "From today, I have to keep myself in strict seclusion and not come out of the cave. So, before daybreak, all of you should proceed to the cave with your belongings. (Page 1310) He retired inside the cave at exactly 9:45 P.M. People started coming to the cave for Baba’s darshan but were prevented from going there. Meanwhile it began raining heavily (Page 1311) So after six days in strick seclusion Baba came out of the cave at 12.30 am and they started on foot to Wai.
On June 13th Baba ordered Buasaheb to go into seclusion in the cave at Tiger Valley in Panchgani, and Chhagan was instructed to look after Buasaheb. (Page 1317)
Year 1930 Baba then directed Brunton to meet Hazrat Babajan in Poona, and to see the Tiger Valley cave in Panchgani (Page 1350)
Year 1935 Baba left for Panchgani on October 14th to stay in the cave at Tiger Valley. But Tiger Valley was not without its own disturbances. Baba had wanted to fast on orange juice, but oranges were not available; he therefore fasted only on water. There, too, the weather turned inclement and a storm forced Baba out of the cave at ten-thirty on the morning of October 17th. (Page 1977)
Year 1936 Following Baba's orders, Pleader had stayed in seclusion for a period of time in the Panchgani cave and in a cave in Mount Abu, and afterward had gone on pilgrimage to Benares and Rishikesh in the Himalayas. (Page 2022 )
Year 1937 On March 18th, Baba sent Garrett Fort to the Tiger Valley cave in Panchgani to stay secluded for two days. But when Fort inspected the cave, he was frightened by the huge black ants inside and spread insecticide to kill them. He was distraught to see the ants return at night and his whole attention was focussed on them and he found it difficult to contemplate. But when he did think of Baba, he felt protected. (Page 2139)
Toward the end of June, Baba instructed Sam Cohen to stay in the Tiger Valley cave at Panchgani, but he was afraid to be there alone by himself, and so Baba directed him to go to Europe via Colombo, Ceylon. page 2189)
Pleader was given orders to leave on a begging tour, and then to stay in the Panchgani cave. (p 2248)
Year 1938 Baba went to Panchgani along with Adi Sr. and Gajanand on February 2nd. They arrived in Poona at 9 A.M. and, along with Chanji, proceeded to Panchgani, arriving at noon.. Baba also visited his cave in Tiger Valley where Pleader was staying. (Page 2260)
"If you tell me to, and if I meet a tiger, of course I will do as you say," Eruch replied. Baba beamed, and said, "Instead of that, have your supper and spend the night in my cave in Tiger Valley. If a tiger comes to the cave, do not be frightened. In the morning, leave straight for Nagpur without seeing me, and come with all your family to Meherabad on August 1st." After spending the night in the cave, Eruch departed for Nagpur.(page 2283)
SOME MONTHS BACK, Elizabeth Patterson earnestly asked Baba if she could spend one night in his cave at Tiger Valley. Baba replied, "You may, but I will tell you when." Weeks later, Elizabeth reminded Baba, who smiled and asked, "Do you wish to go now, or wait until the time is right?" As it came to pass, on May 6th, 1938, Baba and the women mandali accompanied Elizabeth to the cave, where she was instructed to remain for twelve hours. (page 2285) Elizabeth’s account is very vivid and she talks of electric shocks of energy and visions.
Year 1938 Baba sent Walter and Hedi to Panchgani for five days, accompanied by Pleader as their guide. They left on November 30th and returned on December 5th. Each person spent one night in Baba's cave in Tiger Valley, according to his instructions. (p 2237)
Year 1940 On Sunday morning, April 28th, they left for Panchgani. There, they stayed in the Buena Vista Hotel. The women walked with Baba to his cave at Tiger Valley, and sat inside the cave with him for a few minutes. (p 2553)
Year 1955 Baba then stopped at Panchgani where, in his Tiger Valley Cave, Pleader had been staying in seclusion for several months. Baba saw him and instructed Pleader to remain there until June, and after that stated he would advise Pleader further. Baba then returned to Satara. Later, Baba expressed that he wished to preserve the spot where the Tiger Valley Cave was located, and if possible to buy the land, but for various reasons this could not be arranged. (p 4605)
Eruch brought the car, and Baba's "Jai!" was shouted as he left for Meherazad at 6 P.M. Before leaving, Baba bid goodbye to Don Stevens, who was to leave that night for his return journey to America, after seeing sights in India, such as the Tiger Valley Cave in Panchgani and Mu'inuddin Chishti's tomb in Ajmer, according to Baba's instructions (p 4727)
Year 1962 Most of the Westerners left Poona early the next morning. Those who stayed were taken to Panchgani and Mahabaleshwar to see Baba's cave in Tiger Valley. (page 6038)
April 1927 On April 10th 1927 Baba instructed His disciples to dig a cave fifteen feet deep. The cave was dug on a spot selected by Baba overlooking the Tiger Valley at Panchgani, at nearly 6,000 feet. (Lord Meher page 1301) Baba asked Kalemama, an engineer to dig the cave. Baba talked about his upcoming seclusion and the tension between Hindus and Moslems (p1302) Kalemama was sent to ask permission of the Maharaja regarding the cave who readily agreed.
In Panchgani, Baba would be up by 5 A.M. to visit the boys for prayers. At 8 A.M. he would play a game of cricket with them, and at nine he would have his tea. He would then walk to the excavation site where the cave was being dug. (p 1306) Baba talked about his past incarnation as Shivaji and the military camp that was there then. As the digging was going slowly Baba decided to go to Bombay until the cave was finished. Baba returned to Panchgani on April 29th and on May 1st, he went to Mahabaleshwar with some of the mandali to see a Hindu temple called the Cow's Mouth, which was according to legend the source of five rivers. (p 1307)
From May 8th, all the men mandali helped in digging the cave at Tiger Valley. They would mix the cement and carry water from below to the excavation site. One evening, as the last concrete was being applied, clouds suddenly gathered in the sky and threatened a heavy down pour, which would have ruined all the cement work executed that day. Baba stepped out of his hut to view the sky. Soon after, an argument broke out between Masaji and Kaka Shahane. It was as if their quarreling drove away the clouds, because it did not rain until eleven that night, which allowed the work to be completed and the concrete to set.
On May 13th, Baba proceeded by car to Poona with the mandali and boys. (Page 1308) After seeing his parents, brothers Jal, Beheram and Adi Jr., and sister Mani, Baba returned to Panchgani in Kaka Baria's new Buick (Page 1309)
On the night of May 15th, at ten o'clock Baba entered the cave in Tiger Valley for his seclusion and, likewise, the mandali at Meherabad entered their separate rooms according to his previous instructions. Baba was not totally aloof for He would come out the cave to visit the mandali.
On the morning of May 20th, Baba arose early at four o'clock. After awakening the mandali, he stated, "From today, I have to keep myself in strict seclusion and not come out of the cave. So, before daybreak, all of you should proceed to the cave with your belongings. (Page 1310) He retired inside the cave at exactly 9:45 P.M. People started coming to the cave for Baba’s darshan but were prevented from going there. Meanwhile it began raining heavily (Page 1311) So after six days in strick seclusion Baba came out of the cave at 12.30 am and they started on foot to Wai.
On June 13th Baba ordered Buasaheb to go into seclusion in the cave at Tiger Valley in Panchgani, and Chhagan was instructed to look after Buasaheb. (Page 1317)
Year 1930 Baba then directed Brunton to meet Hazrat Babajan in Poona, and to see the Tiger Valley cave in Panchgani (Page 1350)
Year 1935 Baba left for Panchgani on October 14th to stay in the cave at Tiger Valley. But Tiger Valley was not without its own disturbances. Baba had wanted to fast on orange juice, but oranges were not available; he therefore fasted only on water. There, too, the weather turned inclement and a storm forced Baba out of the cave at ten-thirty on the morning of October 17th. (Page 1977)
Year 1936 Following Baba's orders, Pleader had stayed in seclusion for a period of time in the Panchgani cave and in a cave in Mount Abu, and afterward had gone on pilgrimage to Benares and Rishikesh in the Himalayas. (Page 2022 )
Year 1937 On March 18th, Baba sent Garrett Fort to the Tiger Valley cave in Panchgani to stay secluded for two days. But when Fort inspected the cave, he was frightened by the huge black ants inside and spread insecticide to kill them. He was distraught to see the ants return at night and his whole attention was focussed on them and he found it difficult to contemplate. But when he did think of Baba, he felt protected. (Page 2139)
Toward the end of June, Baba instructed Sam Cohen to stay in the Tiger Valley cave at Panchgani, but he was afraid to be there alone by himself, and so Baba directed him to go to Europe via Colombo, Ceylon. page 2189)
Pleader was given orders to leave on a begging tour, and then to stay in the Panchgani cave. (p 2248)
Year 1938 Baba went to Panchgani along with Adi Sr. and Gajanand on February 2nd. They arrived in Poona at 9 A.M. and, along with Chanji, proceeded to Panchgani, arriving at noon.. Baba also visited his cave in Tiger Valley where Pleader was staying. (Page 2260)
"If you tell me to, and if I meet a tiger, of course I will do as you say," Eruch replied. Baba beamed, and said, "Instead of that, have your supper and spend the night in my cave in Tiger Valley. If a tiger comes to the cave, do not be frightened. In the morning, leave straight for Nagpur without seeing me, and come with all your family to Meherabad on August 1st." After spending the night in the cave, Eruch departed for Nagpur.(page 2283)
SOME MONTHS BACK, Elizabeth Patterson earnestly asked Baba if she could spend one night in his cave at Tiger Valley. Baba replied, "You may, but I will tell you when." Weeks later, Elizabeth reminded Baba, who smiled and asked, "Do you wish to go now, or wait until the time is right?" As it came to pass, on May 6th, 1938, Baba and the women mandali accompanied Elizabeth to the cave, where she was instructed to remain for twelve hours. (page 2285) Elizabeth’s account is very vivid and she talks of electric shocks of energy and visions.
Year 1938 Baba sent Walter and Hedi to Panchgani for five days, accompanied by Pleader as their guide. They left on November 30th and returned on December 5th. Each person spent one night in Baba's cave in Tiger Valley, according to his instructions. (p 2237)
Year 1940 On Sunday morning, April 28th, they left for Panchgani. There, they stayed in the Buena Vista Hotel. The women walked with Baba to his cave at Tiger Valley, and sat inside the cave with him for a few minutes. (p 2553)
Year 1955 Baba then stopped at Panchgani where, in his Tiger Valley Cave, Pleader had been staying in seclusion for several months. Baba saw him and instructed Pleader to remain there until June, and after that stated he would advise Pleader further. Baba then returned to Satara. Later, Baba expressed that he wished to preserve the spot where the Tiger Valley Cave was located, and if possible to buy the land, but for various reasons this could not be arranged. (p 4605)
Eruch brought the car, and Baba's "Jai!" was shouted as he left for Meherazad at 6 P.M. Before leaving, Baba bid goodbye to Don Stevens, who was to leave that night for his return journey to America, after seeing sights in India, such as the Tiger Valley Cave in Panchgani and Mu'inuddin Chishti's tomb in Ajmer, according to Baba's instructions (p 4727)
Year 1962 Most of the Westerners left Poona early the next morning. Those who stayed were taken to Panchgani and Mahabaleshwar to see Baba's cave in Tiger Valley. (page 6038)
- Ralph
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